Consumer Forum Complaint


    The purpose of establishing the Life Saving Organization is also to protect the rights of the consumers of India. Under which Life Saving Organization, with the help of its volunteers and other social organizations, conducts consumer protection related programs, awareness campaigns etc. up to the district and tehsil level across India.

    Throughout India, in the programs, awareness campaigns etc. related to consumer protection up to the district and tehsil level, the majority of the consumers are those who disagree with the decision of the District or State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.

    As we all know that in a consumer dispute, if a consumer is not satisfied with the decision of the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, then he has to appeal to the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission located in the state capital. And against the order of the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, the consumer has to complain to the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission located in the capital of the country.

    For this, with the aim of providing justice to the consumers in India, Life Saving Organization has formed a group of such volunteers at the district and tehsil level across India, who have themselves suffered from some incident or the other and have felt that pain.

    It is only due to the continuous hard work and tireless efforts of the social volunteers of the Life Saving Organization that the Life Saving Organization has been able to provide legal aid to countless consumers. And it is the result of the above social activities that the number of consumer cases for legal aid has continuously increased with the Life Saving Organization.

    Other social service volunteers and organizations from different states of India are voluntarily ensuring that legal aid is provided continuously to the complainants suffering from consumer disputes in their areas with the help of Life Saving Organization.

    In India, the justice system has been considered supreme since ancient times, the judge has always received the status of God. But just as in ancient times, some greedy employees working in the first echelon of the justice system were dishonest and bribe takers, in the same way in the present time, some investigating officers, employees/police employees or researchers who are investigating the case, act for their own personal interest and ill-will and Arrogant nature To achieve this, they defame the principle of justice. In the said tainted research, the dignity of justice is propounded by the judiciary only with the help of judges by intelligent, experienced and senior lawyers.

    Life Saving Organization has formed a panel of best lawyers from most of the consumers across India with the aim of providing justice to the aggrieved consumers in India. After the guidance of the above senior experienced advocates, efforts are made to ensure speedy justice to the aggrieved consumer in the Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.

    Advocacy fees to learned advocates in consumer cases are paid from the amount of donations received continuously by the Life Saving Organization, sometimes also from the compensation amount received by the victim or other social service volunteers and organizations after the judicial decision in the judicial process.

     Advocate fees are paid to the Life saving organization, due to which the life saving organization is continuously gaining a foothold as a social service.

    To get any kind of help from the Life Saving Organization, you can register a complaint including selection for various types of cases on the website and also monitor the status of the complaint.

    Volunteers of Life Saving Organization, who themselves have been victims or someone from their family has been a victim, respected panel advocates etc. are all making their special contribution in building a new society.

    The volunteers and panel advocates of Life Saving Organization are continuously working for social reform, development and upliftment all over India and are striving for implementation at the global level.

    The above arrangement can be clearly understood by visiting the Life Saving Organization website in a step-by-step manner.

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