Opportunity For All



    Life saving organization of India is committed to providing equal opportunities in Empanelment and creating an inclusive workplace in which all empanelled are treated with respect and dignity.

    This Equal Opportunity Policy is in accordance with the provisions of the Rights of People with Disabilities Act, 2016 and Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017.


    The above policy covers all empanelled with disabilities as defined in the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. It also covers those empanelled who acquire disability during their Empanelment.

    In view of the provisions of RPwD Act 2016, the purpose and objective of this policy is to:

    Ensure that the work environment is free from any discrimination against persons with disabilities.

    Ensure that a conducive environment is provided to persons with disabilities to perform their role and excel in the same

    Ensure that appropriate facilities and amenities are provided to persons with disabilities to enable them to effectively discharge their duties in the office.

    That no promotion is denied to Persons with Disabilities, merely on ground of disability.

    Maintain data regarding empanelled with disabilities in relation to their Empanelment.


    Transfer and Posting:

    Requests from Physically Handicapped employees for transfers to near their native places may be given preference subject to administrative constraints.


    Provision will be made for facilities and amenities to the persons with disabilities to enable them to effectively discharge their duties in the establishment.

    Provisions will be made for assistive devices, barrier-free accessibility and other provisions for persons with disabilities.


    Every empanelled/office of Life Saving organization is to comply with the provisions of this policy.

    Any empanelled/employee who violates this Policy, or in any manner discriminates with any person with disability, or renders any harassment to such person shall be dealt with under the appropriate regulation.

    In-charge of the Office or any other Official duly authorized by him/her will facilitate requests received from empanelled/employees with category Persons with Disabilities as regard to Provisions.

    Officer-in-Charge of Personnel Department, Central Office or any Official duly authorized by the Officer-in-Charge of Personnel Department, Central Office will be responsible to oversee and promote this policy.



    The above policy shall be reviewed every three years or earlier if required.

    Competent Authority:

    Chairman or any Officer duly authorized by him, will issue instructions for implementation of the Policy.

    Appendix ‘A’

    ABBREVIATIONS USED: S=Sitting, ST=Standing , W=Walking, BN=Bending , L=Lifting, KC=Kneeling & Crouching, JU=Jumping, CL=Climbing, MF=Manipulation by Fingers, RW=Reading & Writing, SE=Seeing, H=Hearing, C=Communication, OA=One Arm, OL=One Leg, BL=Both Leg, OAL=One Arm and One Leg , B=Blind, LV=Low Vision, HH= Hearing Impaired ,PP=Pulling & Pushing, MW=Muscular Weakness and limited physical endurance, A=Autism, ID= Intellectual Disability, SLD-Specific Learning Disability, MI=Mental Illness, MD=Multiple Disability.

    Description of Categories of Disabilities

    Blindness and low vision,

    Deaf and hard of hearing,

    Loco motor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy,

    Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness,

    Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf- blindness.

    Description of Physical Requirement

    Abbreviation            Description

    F                             Can perform work by manipulating with fingers

    PP                          Can perform work by pulling and pushing

    L                             Can perform work by lifting

    KC                          Can perform work by kneeling and crouching

    C                             Can perform work by communication

    B/BN                       Can perform work by bending

    S                             Can perform work by sitting

    ST                           Can perform work by standing

    W                            Can perform work by walking

    SE                           Can perform work by seeing

    H                             Can perform work by hearing / speaking

    RW                         Can perform work by reading and writing

    MF                          Can perform work by manipulation of fingers

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