
    Good Governance

    Governance is the need of the hour in the development sector in order to ensure and promote application of best management practices, compliance of law and adherence to best possible ethical standards. The entire management processes and practices of Life saving Organization are in compliance with the principles of Good Governance.




    Making Policies & Decisions
    Life saving Organization, from the inception itself, works on a delegated work environment. Each and every person in the organization is involved in the process of decision making in a scientifically designed system. Making Policy & Decision in the Organization are done through a four-tier system.

    Departments & Divisions
    Monthly review meetings are held for each division and department regularly.

    Executive Committee
    The Executive Committee manages the Organization’s operation directly and it reports to the Board of Advisors. Members of this committee are professionals working with Life saving Organization and it is mandatory to include a member from the Board of Advisors. The Executive Committee of Life saving Organization holds a meeting each Quarter (every three months) and looks after day-to-day management.

    Advisory Body
    The Board of Advisors comprises of technically competent people from diverse backgrounds and expertise. The body is formed for a period of one year and a few independent members with eminence and reputation are nominated each year. Members of this board also meet once every Quarter.
    The Board of Advisors advises the Trustees of Life saving Organization, taking regular inputs from the Executive Committee.

    Board of Trustees 
    The Board of Trustees sets the vision and broad guidelines for the Organization and ensures good governance in liaison with the Board of Advisors; although, the Board of Trustees is not involved in the day-to-day operation of Life saving Organization.

    Internal & Process Audit System

    This is conducted throughout the year in order to ensure accountability in the internal operation of the organization.

    Statutory Audit

    Statutory Audit is held by the statutory auditor for finalization of balance sheet and statement of affairs. This is also done to comply with standard statutory norms. Audit reports are discussed with the Board of Trustees, Advisory Body and the Executive Committee to take suitable and necessary steps if required.

    Management Information System (MIS)

    A monthly MIS is prepared and analyzed by the MIS Officers and it is submitted and discussed in Executive Committee meetings for assessing the operational activities and to do future planning.

    Volunteer Management
    Our People are our assets. Life saving Organization believes in a democratic and participatory work culture. Review system is conducted twice a year in a democratic way to identify the future leaders of the organization.

    Facing Legal Issues?