

    The organization is governed by a board of management. For the purposes of its effective administration the composition of the board of management and the organizational structure of the life saving organization have been designed in compliance with the rules and regulations of the society. A brief description of the governance structure of a life saving organization is as follows:


    General body

    The general body acts as the management board of the organization. It is the highest policy making body and also the entire governance of the organization depends on it. The members of the general body come from the fraternity of intellectuals such as lawyers, legal scholars, social workers, journalists and persons who have worked extensively on legal aid and human rights. The general body to approve the annual plan and budget for the upcoming financial year, review the annual report of the previous year, approve the annual audited statement of accounts for the previous financial year and adopt policies for the organization in the month of august. It meets once a year.


    Executive committee

    Every year the general assembly in its annual meeting elects an executive committee whose tenure is one year between april-march for the previous year. The executive committee is responsible for the implementation of the work plan and policies approved by the general body. The executive committee meets once a year to take policy decisions regarding the activities of the organization, review the progress of work, financial monitoring and implementation of policies.



    For routine organizational policy decisions and its implementation, office bearers including the president, vice president and secretary and treasurer serve the organization. The president is the head of the organization. As the head of the organization, he is the chief architect of organizational policies, strategies and activities. He is the public face of the organization. The president provides leadership to the organization as a whole and facilitates policy direction. The chairperson supports the organization's management board in prioritizing issues, considering strategic planning, and developing organizational policies.


    Separation of management from the executive

    As a matter of policy, management is completely separate from the executive. The project coordinator is the executive head. And serves as the chief executive officer. An organizational structure with appropriate form of organization has been considered by the management for implementation of the plans. The organization secretary is appointed as the chief executive officer by the management for overall monitoring of the implementation of the scheme.

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